A particular dissemination, publication, presentation, communication
or pathway in which research is made available to people.
Journals are the primary channel of scholarly communication for many disciplines. They provide a wide range of publishing opportunities for scholars at all career stages. Depending on discipline, there may be other modes through which your research is made publicly available.
The international nature of research continues to grow. International collaborations increased in 2018 with slightly more than one out of five articles having coauthors from multiple countries. The collaboration base has grown as countries that were small producers of scientific publications 10 to 20 years ago have accelerated their global publication output.
Research Collaborators cannot be financially compensated by the IIC for their collaborative efforts, but they may be recipients of extramural IIC grants and fellowships, and they may receive funds from commercial collaborators (for instance, as part of a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement [CRADA]) or other sources outside of IIC. Research Collaborators who are on Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) agreements may receive funding from the IIC Research Program, consistent with IIC Policy for IPAs, as described in IIC Policy Manual.
across interdisciplinary boundaries
Annual research budget